Dansk Køre Forbund - The Danish Driving Federation hosted the FECTU AGM in 2024. Representatives of the organizations "IG Arbeitspferde" from Switzerland, "ÖIPK" from Austria, "Lithuanian Draft Horse Breeders Association" from Lithuania and the "British Horse Loggers" from Great Britain were present at the open-air museum Hjerl Hede in Vinderup. New elections were held at this year's General Assembly. The current president Joao Rodriguez from Portugal and long-term president Pit Schlechter...
FECTU launches the new edition of the FECTU booklet Working equids: Working horses, donkeys and mules - an alternative with future. This new version can be found here on Flipbook. https://www.flipbookpdf.net/web/site/2e34252a591279b072ae91368d81518402c5a586202212.pdf.html#page/1
From 26th - 28th of August the European logging championship took place in Liebenfels in Carinthia (Austria)
- Prommata http://www.prommata.org/
We proudly present our new FECTU member from the czech republic: Centrum slezského norika https://www.facebook.com/slezan Check out their webpage: http://www.centrum-slezsky-norik.cz/
Since July 2020, FECTU has been promoting a monthly webinar, covering different topics focused on health and welfare of working animals, but also on different uses in all kinds of activities. These webinars will continue in 2021 and are included in the continuous training programme, as a way to share knowledge and bring together professionals from different areas, having in common the passion for animal traction and working animals. As a result, FECTU has launched the new YouTube channel, where...
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of FECTU took place at the Muzeum Szreniawa in Poland this year.
In January 2018 FECTU, THE DONKEY SANCTUARY and WORLD HORSE WELFARE signed a memorandum to create the Equid Power Network - EPN. It’s mission is “ to highlight the benefits of working equids by promoting their responsible use and care, recognizing them as a valid, affordable, clean and renewable power source, as well as their value in human livelihoods through their contribution to financial, ecological, and social capital.” A website is under construction and the templates designed to...